Part 48: Episode XLVII: Animal Antics
Episode XLVII: Animal Antics.jpg)
Welcome back. Upon further review, were actually surprisingly close to the end of the sidequest block. All that remains is a handful of quests involving the Forest Zone. So thats where well be heading for the next couple of updates.

Music: Forest Kingdom (Quiet)
Our first stop on the tour of the Forest Zones seedy underbelly involves checking up on that outpost the Resistance were planning on setting up. You remember? In that area we cleared out for Anemone. They wasted no time setting up camp on the trampled remains of those Forest Kingdom machines. Good for them. Lets see whats shakin with the new Forest Zone dwellers.
The newly established camp offers some basic healing and buff items on sale as well as some truly remarkably useless chips. A 5% chance to auto revive on death with 1/5th health? Or a 5% chance to restore 10% of damage from a hit. Hoo-doggy! Well get right on stuffing our limited chip space with those key augments. Whats next? Maybe a 5% chance to recover from stumbling while dashing for longer than 15 seconds? Or maybe a 3% chance to get a 100 G discount on all store purchases? Yknow. The good shit!
Anyway, were not here for mercantile. Were here for another sidequest. Lets see what this overalls wearing yokel android has to offer...

You heard it here first, folks. You can see it on her face. Clear as day. Quite the foodie here.
So begins the Culinary Research quest. Thats right, everyone. Its time to go bend nature to our will. With murder! The way god intended it. Or something like that!

Dont think about the true nature of sidequests too hard, Pod. Thats a dark path of moral quandaries we dare not tread. Anyway, weve got to go kill us a boar and a moose. Fortunately, the Forest Zone is lousy with basically an infinite supply of both.
Animals arent as much of a threat now that we have some support chips to mitigate their damage and their leveling tends to be within five levels of 2Bs current capabilities. Also that satchel we got ages ago makes it so they dont auto-agro on seeing androids so weve got some time to wail on them before they turn hostile.
The only issue is that Boar Meat is not a guaranteed drop. Nor is Moose Meat. Were dependent on RNG as to whether a several hundred pound beast will produce enough meat to make a steak or if it will shed a Beast Hide, which is a weapon upgrade component. Granted, we do need to grind out Beast Hides eventually. About 20 of em are necessary for assorted low level upgrades among or weapons (usually 5 a piece for a Level 1 upgrade.) So its not a total waste of time.
The first moose that took a dirt nap and was ravaged by the androids for culinary experimentation yielded its meat immediately. Moose are dependable like that.
The boars, however, I needed to burn through about five or six to finally get enough edible flesh to make some bacon. Something tells me 2B might not have received proper training on how to harvest a downed animal... Just a hunch.
Anyway, as soon as weve collected a hunk of both moose and boar, were free to return to the Resistance Forest FOB and complete this brisk sidequest.

And so concludes the Culinary Researcher quest. Not sure what a bunch of buffs have to do with harvesting meat for cooking. But well take it anyway.
Our next sidequest takes us back to the northern part of the Forest Zone and the amicable Animal-loving Machine. Theres a reason we went out of our way to encounter him immediately in the Forest Zone. Hes host to a couple actual quests in addition to his initial unmarked quest encounter. Lets see what troubles the shouty boy today...


So begins our next quest. To atone for those half dozen boars and the one moose we just slaughtered to make burgers for androids who dont actually gain sustenance from food, were going to have to retrieve some medicine to heal
2B has a few issues with this task...

So in other words, we need to dash back to the shopping mall. Im fairly certain this is the final time the mall proper is ever used for any quests or has remote relevance for the rest of 2Bs adventuring, beyond passing through it to access the Forest Zone.
Several item pick-up points have appeared around the mall area, along with the usual common drops. The one we want for this quest is located across from the Lunar Tear that initiated Top Boy Emils earlier quest in the previous update. Lets see what weve got here...
Medical Journal Obtained.

Goddammit, Pod! I can take Yoko Taro or phantom Cavia trolling. But not you. I thought you were cool... Anyway, despite 2B mentioning we should make the medicine for the animals, that isnt actually a component of this quest. Weve just got to bring the Medical Journal back to the machine. It will handle the rest.
However, before we go there are a few other items of note in the area. Alongside the Medical Journal, several other decoy items are scattered around the area and theyve all got a unique chat associated with them. The first is located behind a sign on the stairs leading to the elevator going down to Kainés hut.

Now watch as burgin becomes a popular pastime with the androids and leads to a decaying dental hygiene epidemic with the ancient human art of dentistry lost to the poor machines. Ghastly. That aside, the next decoy is located in the corner of the area just to the left of the gate leading back to the Forest Zone. What have we got...?

I enjoy the mental image of 2B imaging humans marching into a warzone with a No.2 pencil and just cutting a path of baffling destruction. Androids are silly. What isnt silly is the final bonus item in the mall. Its located on the balcony reached up the busted escalator. Here we have...

What if it turn out the humans on the moon have all become akin to the ones from Wall-E. The androids are going to be so disappointed when their creators are all flabby messes with bad teeth that waste all their time doodling lewd illustrations of android butts. But enough about the follies of humanity. Lets head back to the Animal-loving Machine and complete this quest.

Sometime later...

Its a bit concerning the machine hands over five skinned Beast Hides. But hey. Less work for us later doing these weapon upgrades. More importantly, the reward for this quest is actually a monumental upgrade.
The Quality Satchel completely overrides the standard version. This one makes it so 2B can just mosey right on up to any moose or boar and immediately mount it without the use of Animal Bait. Indeed, we can just go ahead and sell that since this is a permanent upgrade. We have now obtained full control over nature and its fearsome tactical advantages.
Tune in next time as 2B and the first boar she runs across drift into the final stretch of sidequests as we mop up dealings in the Forest Zone. So begins the last preparations to initiate Route As third act as NieR: Automata continues!

Video: Episode 47 Highlight Reel

Forest Zone Concept Art Sega, you dont have to put a Green Hill Zone in every attempt to revitalize the Sonic franchise. You don't see Mario trotting out the gentrified relic of 1-1 for every new game.